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27.07. - 25.08.2024 Vëlosummer Challenge

Ready for the Vëlosummer, edition 2024?

But are you also ready for this year’s Vëlosummer Challenge? Because this is a tough one!

The Vëlosummer Challenge 2024 in a nutchell:

  • 13 Vëlosummer tours to complete;
  • 13 sites / points of interests to check-into;
  • A total of 500 km by bike;
  • Various tours are open only during 1 or 2 weekends, while others are accessible the full Vëlosummer month;
  • Your price for your fun and effort: a yellow Vëlosummer jersey.

How to play?

Download the VisitLuxembourg App and go to the Vëlosummer Challenge. Accept all push notifications and location settings for the challenge to work flawlessly. Start the challenge and start collecting points whilst checking in. There will be one check-in point per Vëlosummer route as illustrated in the map below (the map is a brought overview; more details in the VisitLuxembourg App).

In order to win the challenge, you need to complete all 13 Vëlosummer tours and check-into each one of the check-in points/sites.

Keep in mind:

  • An online connection is needed to successfully complete the challenge.
  • You need to accept push notifications and the location settings in order to be able to check in at the various landmarks.
  • You have to be within a radius of 100 metres from the landmark to be able to check in.
  • You can see all check-in landmarks at the bottom in the App at the bottom of the Vëlosummer Challenge; here you can find a map telling you how close you are to the check-in point.
  • You might need a little patience, as not all phones synchronize the location instantly; it can take from a few seconds to a few minutes for your phone to recognize your location and to send the push notification when you are at the check-in point.
  • You can pause this challenge at any time and start new ones or simply start again later.
  • If after all the tips above, you are still not able to check-in at one check-in point, please send us a screenshot, identifying your location at the check-in point to velosummer@eco.etat.lu.

Terms of participation


  • Participate in challenge: 25
  • Visit of the site: 100
  • Challenge completion: 75


When can I complete the different tours?

Each tour is on a specific date, some only on 1 or 2 weekends, other tours are open all month long. You can find the details in the timeline on www.velosummer.lu or on the Vëlosummer map. Why is the date important: because the weekend tours for instance will only be signposted/marked and the foreseen road closure will only be set up on the specific dates of the tour.

From what date will the challenge be open?

The challenge will be open during the dates of the Vëlosummer, from 27 July to 25 August. As mentioned above, some tours are open 1 or 2 weekends, while others during the whole Vëlosummer month. Find more details about the excat dates of each tour (timeline) at www.velosummer.lu.

How do I check-in?

In order to complete the challenge, you have to check-in on each of the 13 tours. An overview of the check-ins is on the VisitLuxembourg App (which can be downloaded on the App and Googles stores), in the “challenges”, and scroll down to “sites”. These are the various check-ins.

You can find further information about this and other challenges at https://www.visitluxembourg.com/visitluxembourgchallenges

How do I find the check-in point/site

If all notifications are enabled, you will get a push notification when getting closer to the check-in site. Alternatively, when on site, you can also select the check-in point you are close to in the app, and if your location settings are on, you will be able to check-in this way as well.

What's the catch?

No catch, just a price at the end of your efforts: a Vëlosummer yellow jersey!

Map overview of the check-ins

Overview of the Check-in points/sites in red.

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Mike's Vëlosummer Challenge

Guess who else is taking up the challenge?

Mike McQuaide, an American in Luxembourg himself! He will also be attempting to complete all 13 tours while keeping you motivated to do the same.

Follow his Vëlosummer adventure on @letzebuerg_vakanz on Instagram & Facebook.


Should you have any further questions, please contact us at velosummer@eco.etat.lu.

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