© Visit Luxembourg
Minett Germany France

Circuit des Terres Rouges (H) 27/07-25/08 - Vëlosummer 2024

32,57 km
2:40 h
  • Condition
  • Technique
Highest point
436 Hm
Lowest point
275 Hm
Aggregated Ascent
201 Hm
Aggregated Descent
192 Hm
Visit Luxembourg


The “Circuit des Terres Rouges” takes you at your own pace through the industrial south of Luxembourg.

The “Circuit des Terres Rouges” cycle tour takes visitors right through the industrial heritage of the Minett region. The start is in the industrial area in Esch-Belval, where steel is still made, but which today is primarily characterised by vibrant (university) life. From here, the route leads via the longest cycle bridge in Luxembourg to the centre of Esch-sur-Alzette, and then past an attractive nature reserve uphill to Rumelange. The route continues on national cycle paths to Tétange, Kayl and Schifflange, before the approximately 32 km-long route leads you past the former industrial area of Esch-Schifflange and through the Esch district of Lallange district back to Belval.


To view the Vëlosummer overview map on Geoportail: http://g-o.lu/3/kWy6


Events along the Circuit des Terres Rouges

Beach Open Gaalgebierg

27.07. + 28.07.2024, 9:00 – 20:00, Esch-sur-Alzette

Suggestions nearby

Circuit des Terres Rouges (H) 27/07-25/08 - Vëlosummer 2024

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