Visit Éislek
Cycle tour "Gënzentour"
From the station of Troisvierges, the cycle tour "Gënzentour" crosses the small villages of Biwisch, Hoffelt, Allerborn, Niederwampach, Selscheid, Doennange and Sassel. On the way, the cyclists can admire the breathtaking landscapes of the High Plains of the Natural Park Our.
There are numerous sights along the route: the Asselborner Mill, which has been transformed into a museum and a hotel and gastronomy establishment, the remains of the Maas Mosel canal in Hoffelt, the small hermit chapel "Helzerklaus" near Hachiville and the Fliegerdenkmal At Maulusmühle.
On a 12 kilometer-long cultural trail with a start at Asselborner Mühle, further attractions can be discovered.