Pottery Museum Nospelt

Where? 3, Rue des Potiers, 8391 Nospelt

Pottery Museum Nospelt

From 1458 to 1914, Nospelt was the centre of the Luxembourgish pottery industry. The residence of the last potter of Nospelt nowadays houses a museum, which invites visitors to discover the secrets of this old craftsmanship, and marvel at old pottery items. Nospelt is mainly known for the ''Emaischen'' festival on the Easter weekend, when everything revolves around the ''Péckvillercher'' (little birdshaped whistles made out of clay). Some ''Péckvillercher'' are of course also on show in the museum.

Opening hours

Visits only on request.

  • Usch Biver / 691 309 673
  • Michel Welter / 621 193 039
  • Ed Kandel / 30 03 07 oder 621 194 962
  • Herman Vosman / 691 805 364


Address: Pottery Museum Nospelt
3, Rue des Potiers
L-8391 Nospelt
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