Wanneer? Zaterdag 04.05.202411:00 - 15:00


Waar? 34 Rue du Pont, L-6471 Echternach Sport, Gezondheid, Trainingen/Conferenties

Run for every child's future!

Deze inhoud is helaas niet in het Nederlands beschikbaar.

On May 4th, join us for a fun walk or run around Echternach Lake's scenic shores. The UNICEF Lake Run not only promises a lively and enjoyable Saturday with music, entertainment, food and drinks, but also an opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of children worldwide.

You choose if you prefer to walk, run, or jog. One lap around the Lake Echternach is 3 kilometres and you can decide for yourself how many laps you run. Alone, with your family, class, or club. Whatever your choice, we look forward to seeing you!

We offer food and entertainment for all ages. Food trucks (Lëtzeburger & Marcello), drinks stands, children's entertainment (bouncy castle, face painting) and live music (Akku Stikk) provide everything you need for a good time in good company.

Volgende termijnen
Zaterdag 04.05.202411:00 - 15:00


Adres: Echternach
34 Rue du Pont
L-6471 Echternach
Op kaart tonen


Hoofdafstand 5,5 km of 10 km, kinderafstand 1.400 m
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