Wanneer? Maandag 22.07.202414:00 - 18:00

D’Kachmaschinn, a mobile kitchen

Waar? 4, Place Thierry Van Werveke, L-3475 Dudelange Kunst, cultuur & literatuur

Construction workshop (9-15 years old)

Deze inhoud is helaas niet in het Nederlands beschikbaar.

This construction workshop, for young people aged 9 to 15, aims to introduce participants to professions linked to architecture, design, and crafts by creating a mobile kitchen module.

It will be an opportunity to become familiar with the architect’s tools (drawing, models, etc.) and to understand the different stages of a project from its conception to its completion, but also to address contemporary themes related to the production of our built environment such as resource scarcity, circular economy and reuse.

The workshop will be run by the DKollektiv team and will take place at VEWA in Dudelange. It will begin with a tour of the premises to introduce participants to the industrial heritage and show them an exemplary project in terms of self-construction and the reuse of materials. The workshop will result in the creation of mobile kitchen modules that will be used by the DKollektiv, the VEWA community or the luca for events and workshops, notably during the LUGA in 2025.  


Venue: VEWA – espace de création (4, place Thierry Van Werveke L-3475 Dudelange)

  • Duration of the workshop: Monday to Friday, 14:00 – 18:00
  • Age: 9–15 years old
  • Language: FR + DE + LU + EN
  • Price for the week: 20€ (1,50€ with Kulturpass)
  • Registration required, places limited

This construction workshop is part of the ‘Architektur SUMMER’ series of workshops, developed as part of the luca - Luxembourg Center for Architecture’s educational programme in collaboration with DKollektiv, and with the support of the Fondation Sommer.

Volgende termijnen
Maandag 22.07.202414:00 - 18:00
Dinsdag 23.07.202414:00 - 18:00
Woensdag 24.07.202414:00 - 18:00
Donderdag 25.07.202414:00 - 18:00
Vrijdag 26.07.202414:00 - 18:00
Alles tonenMinder


Adres: Vewa
4, Place Thierry Van Werveke
L-3475 Dudelange
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